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Listen to the podcast.


The Benefits of an End-of-Life Doula


I had the great pleasure of speaking with Frank Samson, CEO of Senior Care Authority and host of the Boomer's Today Podcast, alongside a doula from my broader community, Linda Suhr.


This podcast is a great opportunity to hear from two doulas how engaging with a doula can make a differentiated experience of one's dying time for all involved. Linda and I love to speak together, as it helps to underscore how different doulas lend different perspectives and skillsets, all with a common theme of heart-engaged service.






End-of-Life Options with Diane Button and Sarah Hill


Randi Fain, MD interviews author Diane Button, an end-of-life doula and instructor in the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine End-of-Life Doula Professional Certificate Program and end-of-life doula Sarah Hill, owner of East Bay Doula for the Dying, LLC. They discuss what an end-of-life doula does, how they work with other healthcare professionals, and how and when to find the right doula.  They also discuss the role of the end-of-life doula in medical aid in dying.






Listen to the podcast.


Read the article.


The Role of Doulas in Aid-in-Dying Care

An overview and suggestions for best practices


I am honored to have my article included in the
American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying's inaugural edition of their medical journal.


Abstract: Many end-of-life doulas offer support to individuals who are considering, or elect to utilize, medical aid in dying. Doulas and medical clinicians share a common goal of providing the best possible experience for their mutual clients. Working in tandem, they serve this goal with frequent communication, knowledgable monitoring of symptoms and disease progression, and thoughtful planning before, during, and-for loved ones- after the aid-in-dying day.​





Let's Talk About Death, Baby

Meet the people reducing the stigma around dying


Meet the world’s first "Acid House undertaker", a death doula and the end-of-the-road animators who have an open, honest approach to being six feet under – and find out what The KLF and Blackadder have to do with death.



Read the interview.


AHWGO Radio Hour Logo.png

Listen to my conversation with the
At Home with Growing Older team.


The Road Less Traveled

Doing Death with a Doula


“A doula is somebody who companions and bears witness to the experience of the dying.“ 


“What I love to say to my clients is, ‘death is not an emergency.’ Sometimes it is…but in many cases it can be a non-emergency, especially once death has occurred we are allowed to slow down…We also hope that we can help families to slow down before death has occurred, be present with the experience.”


“What we are all trying to do is support people in coming home into their own innate wisdom of death and dying and reclaim it for themselves.”


– Excerpts from the conversation


A Conversation with an End-of-Life Doula


Healing Journeys is a fun and insightful show exploring different avenues to improve our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Every week Aaron Clouden interviews different guests about what they are doing to help others live their most authentic and empowered lives.


They feature people from all walks of life, showcasing where their passions lie and how it helps impact others in a positive way. I appreciate having had the opportunity to share a bit about my work with Aaron and his audience.

Listen to my conversation with Aaron Clouden on his radio show, Healing Journeys.

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